Friday 21 February 2014


Another stuff I wrote long time ago, apparently I just knew that the past-me loved to write motivational message, ah-ha! Share it here!

Always remember a few words of appreciation makes a difference

We often take things, people and situation for granted

We take our loved ones for granted

Friendships are taken for granted

Relationships are taken for granted

Peace is taken for granted

Justice is taken for granted

Equality is taken for granted

Kindness is taken for granted

When any of these are taken for granted,

problems and unhappiness arises

So, next time, stop and think, how much

the people around us mean to us....

Value, Appreciate and Treasure them before you lose them
A little appreciation, not only makes the people around us happy,

but also strengthens the bond between each other and goes a long way....

Living in a Grateful World

Be Grateful to those who have hurt or harmed you,
for they have reinforced your determination

Be Grateful to those who have deceived you,
for they have deepened your insight

Be Grateful to those who have hit you,
for they have reduced your karmic obstacles

Be Grateful to those who have abandoned you,
for they have taught ya..

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